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Outdoor Chores is from Susan Traugh’s Daily Living Skills series offering life skills and transitional skills for mild-to-moderately affected special needs students and general education students alike. It is a stand-alone unit providing students with skills to perform basic chores outside.


Like the other books in this series, it contains airy-pages and bullet-point information for easy independent study, yet, these books, nevertheless, respect teens’ maturity and humor while presenting federally mandated transition skills and Indicator 13 skills needed for adult independence.


Written on a 3rd/4th grade level, workbooks are meant to be self-paced and adaptable with student interests and goals driving most units. Each lesson is taught in a short one-to-four page format with follow-up worksheets/activities to check comprehension. Real world activities are provided whenever possible.


Lessons in Daily Living Skills' Outdoor Chores include how to:


  • Take out the trash
  • Sweep
  • Pull weeds
  • Mow the law
  • Rake leaves
  • Blow leaves
  • Wash windows
  • Clean rain gutters
  • Wash the car
  • Clean up after a chore
  • Ladder safety


Additionally, this book provides a student grading sheet, answer key and a Parent Letter suggesting at-home activities for families in accordance to federal mandates.


A preview of this book is provided here, or sample the series with our free book—Doing Laundry.


Titles in the Daily Living Skills transition series include: Becoming Likeable, Becoming Self-Aware, Building Character, Building Self-Esteem, Celebrating Holidays, Cleaning House, Decision Making, Doing Laundry, Dress for Success, Everyday Manners, Fair Fighting, Getting a Paycheck, Grocery Shopping, Interviewing Skills, Kitchen Basics, Making Conversation, Making Meals, Managing Stress, Nutrition, Overcoming Failure, Paying Bills, Practicing Patience, Safe Dating, Seeking Employment, Staying Healthy, Time Management, Transportation, Voting, Who Am I? College and Career


A Power Point Presentation introducing the program to students, parents and staff is available free of charge on this site.


Teacher's Manual (sold separately) provides tips on organizing and setting-up a transition program, pre- and post-test assessments, class grading sheets, written ITP goals for each workbook to plug into annual IEP's, and code numbers and definitions for federal transition standards for each book.


A Powerpoint presentation is available free on this site to introduce your class/parents/administrators to the program.


Follow me here and on Facebook at Transition 2 Life for tips and free lessons. You may receive credit from TpT for rating this product. If you rate the product lower, please describe the deficits you find so that I can upgrade the produce. Thanks!

Outdoor Chores

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