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Focusing Attention is a bundle pack from the Self-Management series of units that are part of the Daily Living Skills series. Using 8 books from the Daily Living Skills series, students are directed to the executive functioning skills they need to manage personal ability to focus and attend to tasks and function better in the classroom, workplace, and life in general in this one-year bundle pack. Students learn time management; how to organize belongings, space, and tasks to focus better, how to use visual prompts and specific strategies to stay on-task, how to overcome impatience and stress, and how to use mindfulness to increase focus and concentration.


Books in this series are provided in a prescribed order so that students can build their skill set from book to book include:


  • Time Management
  • Getting Organized
  • Visual Prompts
  • Getting Unstuck
  • Overcoming Failure
  • Practicing Patience
  • Managing Stress
  • Practicing Mindfulness

    Like all the other bundle packs, you can save 10% or more by purchasing books in bundles.


Teacher's Manual is included with each bundle containing a Scope & Sequence and written IEP goals for each workbook.


Written on a 3rd/4th-grade level, workbooks are meant to be self-paced and adaptable with student interests and goals driving most units. Each lesson is taught in a short one-to-four-page format with follow-up worksheets/activities to check comprehension. Real-world activities are provided whenever possible.


Additionally, these books provide a student grading sheet, answer key, and a Parent Letter suggesting at-home activities for families in accordance with federal mandates. If you are unfamiliar with the series, please download our free sample, "Doing Laundry" on this site to see the format and tone used in all the books in this series or preview pages on the individual titles of each book which are also offered on this site.


Titles in the Daily Living Skills transition series include: Becoming Likeable, Becoming Self-Aware, Building Character, Building Self-Esteem, Building Self-Motivation, Buying Insurance, Celebrating Holidays, Cleaning House, Creating Self-Confidence, Decision Making, Doing Laundry, Dress for Success, Everyday Manners, Fair Fighting, Getting a Paycheck, Grocery Shopping, Hygiene for Girls, Hygiene for Guys, Interviewing Skills, Kitchen Basics, Making Conversation, Making Meals, Managing Stress, Nutrition, Outdoor Chores, Overcoming Failure, Paying Bills, Practicing Patience, Safe Dating, Seeking Employment, Staying Healthy, Time Management, Transportation, Voting, Washing Dishes, Who Am I? College and Career, Work Games


A Powerpoint presentation is available free on this site to introduce your class/parents/administrators to the program.

Focusing Attention Bundle

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