The Cleaning House - Interactive Workbook is part of Susan Traugh’s Daily Living Skills series offering life skills and transitional skills for mild-to-moderately affected special needs students and general education students alike. This workbook serves as both a traditional print workbook and an interactive workbook for use with Adobe Acrobat. In addition to the workbook The Cleaning House - Interactive Workbook includes 5 short video links demonstrating how to clean each area of the house - living spaces, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and making the bed. These workbooks serve as both a traditional print version and an interactive version - using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
*You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 10 or higher installed in order to take advantage of all the interactive features of this workbook. This is a free program that can be downloaded from:
Written on a 3rd/4th-grade level with airy pages and bullet-point information for easy independent study, these books, nevertheless, respect teens’ maturity and humor while presenting federally mandated transition goals and Indicator 13 skills needed for adult independence. Workbooks are meant to be self-paced and adaptable with student interests and goals driving most units. Each lesson is taught in a short one-to-three page format with follow-up worksheets/activities to check comprehension. Real-world activities are provided whenever possible.
Lessons in Daily Living Skills-Cleaning House - Interactive Workbook include:
- The To Be Clean System of cleaning
- Tools of the trade terms
- How to sweep
- How to mop
- How to vacuum
- Daily cleaning game
- Bathroom organization
- Hygiene helper organization
- Cleaning the bedroom instructions and checklist
- Cleaning the bathroom instructions and checklist
- Cleaning the living spaces instructions and checklist
- Changing the sheets instructions and checklist
- Spring Cleaning
Also included are Parent Verification Letters to meet federal mandates for family involvement, answer key, and grading sheet. Written ITP goals for this and all workbooks in the series are available in the Teacher's Manual along with pre/post-assessments, a parent priorities checklist and verification of federally coded mandates addressed.
A preview of this book is provided here, or sample the series with our free book—Doing Laundry.
Titles in the Daily Living Skills transition series cover job skills, social skills, independent living skills, executive functioning, citizenship, and character building and include:
Addressing Bullying
Addressing Racism
Becoming Likeable
Becoming Self-Aware
Building Character
Building Self-Esteem
Building Self-Confidence
Building Self-Motivation
Buying Insurance
Celebrating Holidays
Cleaning House
Coping with Covid & Distance Learning
Decision Making
Doing Laundry
Dress for Success
Everyday Manners
Fair Fighting
Getting a Paycheck
Grocery Shopping
Home Maintenance
Hygiene for Girls
Hygiene for Guys
Interviewing Skills
Ironing and Mending
Kitchen Basics
Making Conversation
Making Meals
Managing Stress
Masks and Social Distancing
Outdoor Chores
Overcoming Failure
Paying Bills
Picking Produce--Fruits
Picking Produce--Veggies
Practicing Mindfulness
Practicing Patience
Practicing Self-Advocacy
Safe Dating
Seeking Employment
Staying Healthy
Time Management
Understanding Government
Using the Telephone
Washing Dishes
Who Am I? College and Career
Work Games
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Cleaning House - 2 Workbooks
66 pages