Here’s the Basic Bundle Pack you’ve been asking for containing ten Daily Living Skills units providing life skills and transition skills designed for mild-to-moderately affected special needs high school students, but appropriate for any young person wanting independent living skills. It is also the bundle pack that teachers of students with moderate to severe disabilities find the most useful. Of the books in the series, this pack provides lessons in the most fundamental of adult living skills with the least difficult vocabulary and concepts.This transition to adult life program provides in depth lessons on the following life skills:
Dress for Success
Staying Healthy
Cleaning House
Doing the Laundry
Kitchen Basics
Grocery Shopping
Making Meals
Paying Bills
Making Meals and Cleaning House both include video modeling of important life skills in an accessible, clear format. Videos need to be downloaded separately as the files are too large to bundle. However, all videos are free on this website, so you can obtain the entire bundle and all its component parts for this one low price.
A Teacher's Manual is also available for teachers who prefer this support. The manual contains tips for implementation of the program and program management along with written ITP goals for each workbook, a class grading system for each unit and notes (as needed) for each workbook.
Finally, a Power Point Presentation is also provided here (free) which will allow you to introduce the program to students, parents and/or administrators in a quick, yet comprehensive manner.
All units have a lesson/quiz format to constantly check for comprehension, a complete grading sheet, answer key, parent verification letters to document compliance with federal standards and airy, third-grade reading level pages.
To preview the program, download the free unit—Doing the Laundry—which is also available on this site.
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