Addressing Bullying is from Susan Traugh’s Daily Living Skills series offering transitional skills for mild-to-moderately affected special needs students and general education students alike. Addressing Bullying provides adult living skills for special needs teens to meet federal transition mandates. It is a stand-alone unit providing students with skills to live independently, understand, and deal with bullying as a bystander or party involved. These workbooks serve as both a traditional print version and an interactive version - using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Like the other books in this series, it contains airy-pages and bullet-point information for easy, independent study, yet, these books, nevertheless, respect teens’ maturity and humor while presenting federally mandated Indicator 13 skills and transition skills needed for adult independence.
Written on about the 3rd/4th grade level, workbooks are meant to be self-paced and adaptable with student interests and goals driving most units. Each lesson is taught in a short one-to-four page format with follow-up worksheets/activities to check comprehension. Real world activities are provided whenever possible.
Lessons in Daily Living Skills' Addressing Bullying include:
- What is Bullying?
- Who is Involved in Bullying?
- Kinds of Bullying--Verbal, Social/Emotional, Physical, Sexual and Cyber
- How Common is Bullying?
- Who is at Risk?
- Why We're Silent About It
- How to Stop It: What Works/What Doesn't
- Six Successful Ways to Stop Bullying
- Addressing Cyberbullying
- Stopping Sexual Bullying/Harassment
- Bystanders Can Be Superheroes
- What if I'm Bullying?
- Resources for Help
Additionally, this book provides a student grading sheet, answer key and a Parent Letter suggesting at-home activities for families in accordance with federal mandates for parent involvement.