The 2022/23 Complete Bundle includes 59 Daily Living Skills workbooks designed for mild to moderately affected special needs high school students, but appropriate for any your person wanting independent living skills. These materials meet Federal Mandates for transition services for special needs teens and indicator 13 requirements.
In addition, this bundle includes the Teachers Manual and Scope & Sequence with information on setting up and organizing the program, class grading sheets, and ITP goals for every workbook. Download the free videos that come with Making Meals and Cleaning House and you will have a multi-year living skills program with everything you need from soup to nuts.
This money-saving bundle provides nearly all the books in the series (new books become available every 1-2 months) and, when purchased in this bundle are priced at a 10% discount.
If you looking for a smaller pack of books, check out the Basic Bundle or the Big Bundle, or you may want to try any of the theme-based bundles offered on this site.
Daily Living Skills meets federal mandates for transition services for special needs teens and Indicator 13 requirements.
Written on a high third/low fourth-grade level, each unit is filled with airy pages and lots of bullet-point facts and information so that reluctant readers can use the program independently. Yet, while supporting their ability level, this program also honors the humor and sensibilities of teens and young adults. Each 2-4 page lesson has a quiz or activity for students to check comprehension and each is focused on helping students determine their needs and desires for the program.
Finally, a PowerPoint Presentation is also provided (free separate download) on this site which will allow you to introduce the program to students, parents, and/or administrators in a quick, yet comprehensive manner.
All units have a lesson/quiz format to constantly check for comprehension, a complete grading sheet, answer key, parent verification letters to document compliance with federal standards and airy, third-grade reading level pages.
Making Meals and Cleaning House both include video modeling of important life skills in an accessible, clear format. Videos need to be downloaded separately as the files are too large to bundle. However, all videos are free on this website, so you can obtain the entire bundle and all its component parts for this one low price.
Several pages are here for your preview, but if you like a full preview the program, download the free unit—Doing the Laundry—which is also available on this site.
The 61 books in this bundle pack are:
- Addressing Bullying
- Addressing Racism
- Becoming Likable
- Becoming Self-Aware
- Building Character
- Building Self-Esteem
- Building Self-Motivation
- Buying Insurance
- Celebrating Holidays
- Cleaning House
- Community Resources
- Creating Self-Confidence
- Decision Making
- Doing the Laundry
- Dress for Success
- Emergency Preparedness
- Enjoying Recreation
- Everyday Manners
- Fact or Fake News
- Fair Fighting
- Getting a Paycheck
- Goal Setting
- Grocery Shopping
- Home Maintenance
- Hygiene for Girls
- Hygiene for Guys
- Independence Basics
- Interviewing Skills
- Ironing and Mending
- Kitchen Basics
- Making Conversation
- Making Meals
- Managing Stress
- Masks and Social Distancing
- Nutrition
- Outdoor Chores
- Overcoming Failure
- Paying Bills
- Picking Produce - Fruits
- Picking Produce - Veggies
- Practicing Mindfulness
- Practicing Patience
- Practicing Self-Advocacy
- Record Keeping
- Safe Dating
- Seeking Employment
- Staying Healthy
- Taking Notes
- Time Management
- Transportation
- Understanding ABLE Accounts
- Understanding Government
- Using the Library
- Using the Telephone
- Visual Prompts
- Voting
- Washing Dishes
- Who Am I? College and Career
- Work Games
- 2022/23 Teachers Manual
- 2022/23 Scope & Sequence